Overcoming Distractions to Fulfill God’s Purpose

May 15, 2024

Time Stewardship

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I’m a Christian wife and proud boy mom on a mission to use my God-given talents to help you build solid, sustainable foundations in life and business. My passion is to help you strengthen your roots, so you can grow with purpose and thrive in your journey with confidence.

I'm ashleigh 
Time Management Coach

While our purposes may vary from one person to another, it’s essential to remember that overcoming distractions to fulfill God’s purpose is crucial. He wants us to use our talents and gifts to honor Him and bless others.

The enemy, on the other hand, wants to keep us distracted. It’s an easy tactic to use because it draws us away from the actions that will help us move forward.

There are five worldly distractions that keep us from reaching our fullest potential. But as faith-based business owners, there are specific actions we can take to overcome these distractions and fulfill God’s purpose.

Managing Social Media & Technology Distractions

Technology is a major blessing, allowing us to connect with loved ones even if we’re thousands of miles away. However, it can also be a curse.

How often do you pick up your phone when trying to accomplish a task? How much time do you spend endlessly scrolling? Technology can sometimes consume our lives, diverting our attention from God’s calling. Overcoming distractions like these is essential.

If you’re struggling with social media or technology as a distraction, try establishing clear boundaries for your usage. Allocate specific time slots for online activities and turn off notifications outside of those time frames. Avoid constant interruptions by turning your phone on silent or do not disturb mode, or even placing it in another room.

Overcoming Overcommitment to Fulfill God’s Purpose

Our fast-paced lives coupled with overcommitting can leave little room for discerning and pursuing our true calling. Saying yes to new things when you’re already stretched thin is just another distraction from your true purpose.

If you struggle with overcommitting, regularly assess your commitments and prioritize those that align with your God-given purpose. It’s okay to delegate or let go of activities. Remember that saying no to some opportunities allows you to say yes to the ones that matter most. Overcoming distractions like overcommitment can help you stay focused.

Finding Clarity to Overcome Distractions

When we lack clarity about God’s purpose for us, we can be easily sidetracked by various pursuits and opportunities. To avoid this and gain clarity, invest time in spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, journaling, and studying scripture. Seek guidance and clarity from God through these practices, asking for wisdom about your purpose.

Another way to overcome this is by seeking out spiritual mentoring. Connect with a spiritual mentor or counselor who can provide guidance around your calling. Walking through your questions and doubts with a trusted advisor can lead to deeper insights and understanding, helping you in overcoming distractions.

Avoiding Materialism to Stay Focused on God’s Purpose

In the business world, people often promote ways to improve vanity metrics. However, chasing material wealth and worldly success can shift our focus away from God’s will and spiritual growth. If God has given you a purpose and you’re following His lead, He will provide what you need to get there.

If you struggle with this, develop a mindset of contentment. Recognize that true wealth is found in your relationship with God and express gratitude for the blessings in your life. Align your business and financial decisions with God’s priorities. Overcoming distractions related to materialism will keep you spiritually focused.

Overcoming Negative Influences & Temptations

Negative influences and temptations can lead us astray from our calling, hindering our ability to discern and follow God’s will. These can be found all around us, from the content we consume to the events we participate in.

To avoid falling victim to these distractions, find an accountability partner who shares your faith and values. They can provide support, encouragement, and prayer as you navigate challenges and temptations in your business and personal life. Overcoming distractions from negative influences is key to maintaining your spiritual path.

Staying Aligned with God’s Purpose

Being able to effectively overcome these distractions will ensure that you’re staying aligned with God’s purpose for you. By setting boundaries, practicing mindfulness, and seeking guidance from spiritual mentors, we can tackle these distractions head-on and focus on fulfilling God’s purpose.

If you’re tired of feeling overwhelmed and scattered in your entrepreneurial journey, check out The Sustainable Foundation Collective and join other Christian women entrepreneurs as we transform chaos into calm, uncertainty into confidence, and dreams into structured reality!

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I’m a Christian wife and proud boy mom on a mission to use my God-given talents to help you build solid, sustainable foundations in life and business. My passion is to help you strengthen your roots, so you can grow with purpose and thrive in your journey with confidence.

I'm ashleigh 
Time Management Coach

I'm an efficiency consultant and systems expert, dedicated to assisting Christian business owners in building sustainable systems for both their home and their business.

My mission is to help you reclaim your time, enhance client experiences, generate consistent income, and cultivate simple yet powerful habits that create balance across all areas of life.

With over a decade of experience in automating and streamlining processes, I specialize in guiding women-led businesses to avoid burnout, create scalable systems for growth, and establish harmony between work and home

Let's work together to build a foundation that supports your business's success while maintaining your well-being and balance.


I'm Ashleigh —  I help Christian women build strong, sustainable foundations for both their businesses and their homes.